So, they are dead, but they are stirring? It took him a moment to get it. Oh, crap.
This was not going to be his lucky day.
Saturnyx said in a reassuring voice as Hawke heard the bugs. A series of clicks came from further down the tunnel; in a matter of seconds, the sounds multiplied and became a rumbling sound like some sort of machinery coming to life.
“Fuu….” Hawke said.
He couldn’t go back. If the undead bugs caught him in a narrow section, he wouldn’t be able to defend himself. Better to meet them where he had some room to maneuver.
How big are they?
Before the talking sword could answer, the first of the critters skittered into view.
Undead Cave Scarab
Level 1 Beast (Tiny)
Health 6 Mana 3 Endurance 16
The bug was about as long as a shoe, a squat armored shape with six legs and a nasty-looking set of mandibles. It paused for a moment and then came straight at him as another half dozen showed up. Ugh. Hawke had met his share of nasty bugs; doing plumbing in dank basements put him in contact with a variety of vermin. The things rushing at him were on a whole new level, though.
He stepped on the first one and felt it crunch under his boot, but when he lifted his foot the sumbitch kept going and bit his ankle. He took one point of damage.
He slashed at his own leg. Luck was with him and the sword’s edge crunched into the bug and didn’t chop his ankle off. The Undead mini-monster dropped away in two pieces, but six of its buddies arrived a moment later and he could hear more of them coming his way.
Saturnyx shouted in his head.
“Kinda busy here!” Hawke replied. He speared one of the bugs with his sword point, killing it, but another jumped on his outstretched arm and began chewing on it. Two more points of damage, and it hurt like blazes. He used his shield to scrape it off of him, taking another point of damage for his troubles. By then he was surrounded by the damn things. There were dozens of them, biting at his ankles or leaping onto his legs. He was dead.